Friday, December 11, 2009

The Night Sky

I gaze at the cloudy sky at night. And I see the clouds passing by the moon. Whenever they allow, the moon seems to peek through the breaks between the clouds.... wanting to show it’s clarity, it’s sincerity.

The edges of the clouds are lightened as they pass by. They wave and they swirl away. Going with flow, the flow of the wind would be an appropriate term for them. Fearlessly just passing by. Above all of us. Nothing to tell them where to go. Nothing to tell them what to do. They sway and they float away, just as they would wish to. With their future undecided. For all they know, there just might come a sudden wind and blow them off in a completely unknown territory. A place where they had not been before, a place they’ll never come again. They need not feel the necessity to decide where to go, what do to, when to swirl, sway, whirl and float. They go wherever. They do whatever. Every moment is uncertain and full of excitement. For they are here one moment, the next they do not know of.

They seem like wisps of smoke I long to reach. But they wave and swirl away, telling me where I stand and the way I can never have them in the palm of my hand.

I long to be like them. Float and swirl away into a distant unknown land like them.

Where I might go, I do not know. And I do not want to know. All that I know is that I do not want to be caged where I am. No plans, no surety, an undecided future in an uncertain world.