Friday, March 2, 2012

My happy ending

I remember the times in school when I was surrounded by friends who had boyfriends. Pretty girls, girls with a lot of attitude, the kind whom boys would willing run after, the kinds who would get surprises, gifts, and a lot of affection.

Never was I the pretty one and I was most certainly never the delicate one. On the contrary, I would behave like a boy, athletic in my spirits and would use a very colorful language. Whatever was the case, I always did dream about having a 'boyfriend' who would be head over heels crazy about me. I guess I had fallen in love with the idea of being in a relationship instead of wanting the person to be in a relationship with.

I still see people around me like that, but fortunately, know the truth about their relationships now. It feels good to observe that I never made that mistake of falling into an amateur puppy love relationship long back. But it doesnt mean that I didnt make the mistakes that almost every girl does at that stage. In love with the idea of a relationship, I jumped at the first chance I got with a moron and finally made the mistake. Thankfully, that got over before I could lose myself over it. (A Superman rescued me. :P )

And then I grew. Immensely. I realize why was such a kid for so long. You need heat to melt and mold metal. You need the experience to mold you, and to grow up. A little on my own, and a little help from Mr. Superman, the experience, the sense and the practicality just came along on its own. Little did I know, that it was just another mistake. After all, Superman doesnt remain a superman forever. He does go back to becoming Clark Kent. And he does lose his powers. You cant be dependent on him. But loss of powers doesnt kill. And neither did it kill me.

But then again, Lois Lane didnt stop loving Superman when he lost his powers. Neither did I. No superpowers does mean that I have to think again, settle things, adjust to the new atmosphere. And it'll happen. A little bit of practicality. A little bit of experience. A little bit of wisdom. And a LOT of mistakes. It will become okay. It always does.