Wednesday, April 11, 2012

A game... And my illusion of its reality. Part 2.

The dependency was temporarily complete… a momentary unstable state.

The puppeteer was always a puppeteer, momentarily addicted to the puppet.

The bond was opaque. Neither a wisp of air, nor something substantially solid.

The father, friend, philosopher, guide, mentor, counselor, brother, was always there…. Someone who fulfilled the roles and duties par excellence.

The exception is still an exception, no matter what it may show on the outside.

The puppet will wait for its master to come.

The sin may be committed, but it would take away with it the master and the puppet together.

The emotional consequences have been severe, but that does not mean the end of anything… the story shall continue and the golf ball… intact!

The puppet was not always a puppet. A long time back, the puppet was actually a little girl. A girl who used to stay in her dreams, lived in a fantasy of a castle and kingdom, believed it all to be the truth, lived in a world of illusion. Then one day, she met a person from the real world, someone who knew that the life was not a castle in a kingdom with rainbows and butterflies. Not everything, or rather nothing was as beautiful as it seemed in the first glance. The person saw what an illusion this little girl was in and knew that soon when she shall have to plunge out of that world into reality, she will not be able to withstand the shock. And so, he took pity on the little girl (Bless his soul), and promised himself that he would teach her the realities, pull her out of the illusion, so that she may live like a real person in the real world, taking care of herself, safely.

The harsh part came when the person from the real world realized that there was no pleasant method of doing what he was about to. It would be an un-natural act- To disrupt a normal flow of life and put it into something else. But at the same time, it was necessary. He tried his best not to let the situation fall out of control into the worst. But he could not stop it. The situation did eventually become the game of the puppet and the puppeteer.