Saturday, February 9, 2013

Tejas and Thejas

It’s been a long time, but buh! Never mind.

It’s been a long time since I felt so strongly about the wonders of humanity and truly realized the presence of two wonderful people either. Tejas and Thejas. No relation, yet remarkable people just the same.

I’ve always felt wherever I go that it is difficult to find people who give enough amount of damn about the world instead of just being cooped up in their own. And in most of the places, I don’t find any. As a matter of fact, I hadn’t found any for years and had begun to lost my faith in the presence of intelligent life form of the universe. Thankfully, faith restored when I talked to Tejas. Big guy, tall height, pretty wide, fair complexion, wears glasses, ultra reserved, Kannadiga, and god my god, bloody intelligent. Now the remarkable thing is that while the people that I have found in my life who tend to have sufficient food for thought in their hands do exist in human form, their heads seem to be up in the clouds as they fair to appreciate the tiniest beauties of life around them. But Tejas, oh no- he’s gots his feet on the ground, and his head up in the clouds and he can still look, touch and feel everything around him at whatever height, because he’s just that big… at heart.. and mind… and soul… and that is why, he is completely completely ADORABLE.

While Tejas was that, Thejas is admired for a completely different set but not exclusive set of reasons. Minimal interaction with the guy, and truly speaking, I have no freaking clue of what he is. But whatever I have seen and heard so far is enough to make me raise my hat to him (if I had one). He smiles, and he smiles and he smiles, and then he works and he works and he works, and then he smiles and works. He’s fun and mischievous and energetic and sincere (at least he appears to be all that). And I just can’t find the appropriate adjectives to describe this man. But the point at the end of the day is, that the person he presents himself to be, I yearn to learn from that person and to become like that one day (fat chance, I know, but trying never hurt nobody). It’s amazing what this guy does and could do. And I’m jealous. I am oh so jealous of the fact that what I dream of is something that the guy is actually doing every day, day after day, successfully.

Tejas and Thejas, I raise a toast to you two and pray from the bottom of my heart that both of you may have a healthy, wealthy and happy life!

 (The toast is just customary and ironic as neither of them drink. )