Sunday, March 28, 2010

A Game… and my Illusion of its Reality

It all started with the expression of a form of art which is loved by all…

Understanding the meaning of that expression was one different category all together… a category of people that were not easily found…

Followed up by a discussion of an institution and the components that builds it up… It may sound useless, but it was this “discussion” that was required for an entrustment to open up…

And then came along the first support that was so badly required… the first support of many… It was not a shoulder to support and stand, neither a finger to hold… but a support which pushed without pushing to stand on your own…

Some personalization was all it took after that to build up a bond which would be held very close in the future…

Games of status messages, tests, friends and family simply continued to increase the strength of the bond… They saved a life and brought with flying colors through the bad and good times…

A fatherly figure… turning into a brother… a friend… eventually turning into someone who could just not be classified in any way possible… except for being a golf ball…

Little was known, that it was always a game… a game of illusions and emotions… an experiment with several control variables… each being a thread of the puppet…

Not that the intention behind the conversion of a human into a puppet was unethical or immoral… it was purely out of research interests to study stimulated responses…

But even a puppet does not like to be controlled… the aftermath was a strong urge to commit an ungodly act but that part of the tale comes later…

The consequent result was an addiction and dependency…

Whether the addiction and dependency is partial or full is not known… and probably will never be known…

But the one thing that there is to be known, is that exceptions do exist. No matter what kind of people have been encountered in the past, and no matter what kinds of behaviors and loyalty studied before, there can always be a new “discovery” which may even be termed as an exception to all the studies that have been conducted so far…

And this exception still has the puppeteer as a golf ball up in palms… In spite of the ongoing desire of the puppet to commit a sin by executing the master of all its actions… the golf ball is still held high up… and whether the sin stays committed or merely an urge forever, the fact that the puppeteer is a golf ball will never change…

One important fact of the entire tale that hasn’t been mentioned so far, is that in the entire duration which was reasonably long, at no point of time (until recently), did the exception realize the illusion that was created in the process… that is… “the bond”… The puppet actually believed of its existence, may be that is the reason it actually did get converted into a puppet in the first place… and when it strikes now, it is a fact difficult to digest.

Moral of the story: The puppeteer shall always be a puppeteer, and the puppet always a puppet… any dreams of the puppet to be something or anything more ever… shall have severe emotional consequences.

1 comment:

  1. u r the puppet n smone is the puppeteer???
    i guessed it this way//
    n the bond can b explained thereafter..
    golf ball is still a mystery to
