Wednesday, July 7, 2010


10. I am worried about you.

What it actually means- I am worried if you are okay and I can still get that job done which I have been meaning to.

9. I care about you.

I care about whether you blurted out what we spoke about/did when you were all cracked up in your head. Coz if you did, you’re a goner. And if you didn’t, well, it better stay that way pal!

8. I love the way you smile.

What it actually means- You smile is so weird. I am yet to figure out why you call that facial expression a smile at all.

7. I will always be by your side.

What it actually means- I’ll be right there as long as you’re treating me to food, booze and cigarettes, not to mention giving me an ear to listen to all the extra important world saving shit that I must utter.

6. You are the best person I have ever met.

What it actually means- Yeah, you’re ok just till the sexy girl/cute guy comes along my way.

5. I dream about you.

What it actually means- I’m just saying this to strike up a topic. I’m bored.

4. You are the one for me.

I haven’t found anyone dumb enough to listen to all the shit I gotta say. You’ll do till I find someone better whom I can actually bear listening to.

3. We will always be together. We will never say goodbye to each other.

What it actually means- Shut your depressing talks up. I’m sick of you already.

2. I miss you.

What it actually means- You crossed my mind when I saw that object that you gave me. So I thought I’ll just make a generalized statement to make you happy.

1. 11. I love you.

Need anything really be said???!!!! :-D


  1. Hahaha. Nice, its like those pro columns which appear in the newspapers. !

  2. Come on ... don't be so harsh with your opinion. It is not just with the words ... there are situations and circumstances also which you can't neglect.

  3. @ghost riter: chill dude!!!
    i write and speak for the majority!!! ;-)

  4. dat was pretty negative.....................
