Saturday, May 14, 2011

Wolf in Sheep's Skin

I had recently written about there being 2 kinds of humans- people and sheep. I was wrong. I discovered a third type. A wolf in a sheep's skin.

Like a sheep, the wolf tries to hide its true identity. It tries to make others believe that it is also a sheep by behaving on the outside like a sheep. It pretends to be a sheep, tries to hide under obscurity. But the true nature of the wolf is more dangerous than anything. It is harmful both to the naive sheep and the thinking human.

Characteristics of a wolf in a sheep's skin:

1. Engaging into rebellious behavior considered unsuitable by the sheep.
2. Conforming to sheep behavior for self defense.
3. Blaming people and sheep for their wolf-y behavior.

All this makes me think that these stories do actually have some or the other analogy when you look for it in day to day transactions.

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