Thursday, October 9, 2014

Romanticized Ideas

Romanticized Ideas are just what they're called. Romanticized. But under no circumstances have I in my experience, come across one which has not truly lived up to it's name; unless it was made up. They've got nothing to do with romance, or love for that matter. They need not be with a significant other, they might not even need to be with anyone for that matter. It's not something that someone can tell you to do and not something that you can make yourself do either. They're just the small things that could fill you up, make you comfortable and give you butterflies in your stomach at the same time. They can make you nervous and happy, insightful and morose, nostalgic and anticipatory or absolutely anything in the world. But the one thing that would probably come out common in each one of them, would be feeling so very comfortable in your own skin, that you wouldn't want to think about anything. You may not feel the hours pass, or you may feel every second as long as an hour as you take each of them in with a deep breath. There are so many of them, and to each their own. And they work best when you don't have to do anything, and they just happen. I was thinking about one such idea today, and it only took a second before several others came flooding to me. So here I am, listing my top 30 down, in no particular order:
1. A quiet walk on a lonely road under the streetlights at night.
2. Curling up in your favorite boxers under the blanket
3. Watching a movie while your friend watches the same movie in another city and you're connected on the phone, not saying anything at all..
4. Waking up to the chirping of birds
5. Hearing the sound of a train at a distance
6. Someone you longed to talk to, unexpectedly calls or turns up at your doorstep
7. The feeling of deja vu when you visit a new place with your old friends
8. Waking up with a smile on your face
9. Writing a letter
10. Finishing a book and wishing it hadn't ended
11. Sitting on a rock, watching the sunrays part the clouds, looking at the sun come up
12. Standing with your arms outstretched in the face of the wind
13. Watching someone type without looking on a typewriter
14. Waking up at 4am to find yourself sleeping in the most retarded place and position
15. Remembering an incident from long ago and laughing to yourself
16. Whistling the tune of the song that's been going on in your head
17.  Posing in front of the mirror and making stupid faces when somebody catches you
18. Cuddling
19. Knowing and giving someone what they need or want before they even know it (and vice versa)
20. Lying on the bed, listening to light music in the background, just staring at the fan, thinking nothing
21. Hot tomato soup with lots of croutons
22. Bonfires with whiskey and marshmallows on a stick
23. Sharing a beer with a family member
24. Meeting old friends over brunch
25. Falling asleep with the book you were reading still in your hand with the lamp still on
26. Writing with your finger on a foggy mirror after a hot shower
27. Walking around with a mug full of hot coffee
28. Smoke rings
29. Exchanging a look with someone when both of you are thinking the exact same thing
30. And writing something after a long time... just like I just did!

Leave your most romanticized ideas or incidents in the comments. I'd love to read them.


  1. Wonderful ! I could relate to most of them you've mentioned...!

  2. Ideas will change time to time. You never know which thing will make you happy at a certain point of time. I will add some of them; which are making me feel good for past few days or may be months.

    1. I am sleepy now; still I am reading and replying.
    2. Some of your points I don’t want to repeat. 9(so many letters not yet posted), 15, 19, 21(no soup then also fine, but I want more croutons)
    3. Watching TV series like anything(I just started my first TV series Prison Break 15 days back)
    4. Chatting with college friends on Watsapp. You will remember so many funny incidents
    5. Writing small stories
    6. Creating small UI for websites, though you can get many free web templates for free
    7. Eating Death by Chocolate at least with someone (but I will finish on by my own)
    8. Talking to a girl almost after a year with whom you talked so many hours daily
    9. Playing with kids
    10. Buying a new guitar

    So many are still pending... will share next time :)

    You can check out small stories on my blog site too
