Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Arrey Pagli...

19th May, 2013: First day in delivery. Sankar introduced me to you. You were to be my first boss.
20th May, 2013: First call and introduction with the onsite. You stuttered. I thought you were nervous and stupid.
22nd May, 2013: I told you, my first teammate in delivery, that it was my birthday. I asked you for a cake. You refused.
23rd May - 16th August: We met the third teammate. The three of us used to smoke together.

16th of August: We went for a failed attempt at the team outing. Ended up partying there. It was the first time I smoked up with you. And that's when you told me while smoking and dancing in front of the couch, "Tanjul, this is how I party."

For all of 317 days, I knew you. For at least 275 of those, we hung out.
You've been gone for 334 days. I haven't hung out with you on even one of them. But there's not one day when I didn't see you.

I never thought of it because I never had to; But I knew that we'd be friends till death did us apart.
Of all I met, you were on my fantasy wedding guest list.
If there was news, good or bad, you had to be the first one to know.
Because for any memory to be fulfilled, you had to be a part of it.

The events were never important. The time I spent with you, was.
The snores were never important. Watching Sarabhai vs Sarabhai to sleep, was.
The sandwiches and milkshakes were never important. Laughing for no reason till 3am, was.
Hangovers weren't important either. Neither was the lemon soda you'd make me in the morning. But brunch at Boondock was.

Ding-Dong! Who could it be?
A helmet, a bag, a brown and grey sweater,
Hobbling in, Oho ho ho ho... While you rubbed your messy hair.

Your reluctance to hug while I tried to squeeze your breath out of you.
Your constant spot on the bean bag, and the out of the blue Hmmmmmm...s
Your inability to console people, "There there..", you said,
But you'd hug me when I cried,
And for all the annoyance I had been to you, never quite left my side.

The last conversation over a smoke, as you left early for the day.
And the next time I saw you, you were still sleeping. Wearing the same brown and grey striped sweater. Your hair were as messy as every morning. You still had that calm expression on your face.
Just the snores were missing.
I still miss those snores.
I still want to kick you to stop them when you wake me up in the middle of the night.
I still want to share a last cigarette with you because you taught me how to 'share and care'.
I still want to hear you say one more time, "Lagul lagul lagul lagul, laal laal lagul lagul, Jelly!"

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