Tuesday, September 1, 2015

The List that everyone keeps

Every person in the world keeps in a list with them from the day they step into the world. The doctor who delivers you is on the list, the nurse, then your mother, your father, your family and as you grow up, a large many number of people around you.

The list is extremely dynamic and undergoes change constantly subjected to a total of four activities
Whenever a new name is encountered, it is added to list.
As a name becomes more important, its place in the list rises up and others around it goes down.
Some names just fade away.

The most interesting ones are the few names which we cross and hatch so hard, that it is impossible to make out the name, but we never erase them. Because every single time we look at that name, we remember the mistakes that we had committed in the past and it reminds us of what to do and what not to do for the rest of our lives.

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