Tuesday, September 1, 2015

A Harry Potter Moment

The monsoon is here. I'm sitting in my room looking out of the window and I can see the dark clouds creeping over the entire campus. They move swiftly. Every white and black cloud is clearly visible. It encroaches upon the sky but a clear line is still visible marking the beginning of these clouds. and the clear sky is still visible beyond it.

With years of "knowing", we know that this is no new sight. We know that this happens every year, and that it would start pouring down very soon, and the pathways will be clogged with water, and we'll feel like taking a walk in the rain or may be even just keep looking out of the window looking at the drops on a background of hopeful greenry with a cup of hot coffee in our hands.

But having seen the Harry Potter 7-2 recently, I cant help but think about the moments when the Dark Mark of Voldemort is cast over the skies of Hogwarts. Or even when the Dementers are approaching a certain place, their arrival preceded by the very same cold clammy weather with dark moroseful clouds in the sky.

These clouds have several interpretations. They bring back memories, create memories, make us feel wonderful at times, and melancholy at others. But most important of all, they cast magic on everything they touch.

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